Thursday, April 9, 2009

Embracing Faith...

There is this thing called "The Ultimate Treasure Hunt." Its were a group of people get together and pray for about 5 min or so. During prayer you ask God to show you anything and everything he wants to. It can be things like colors, physical features of a person, places, words, etc. After praying you get together and see what everybody got. You then go to were the Lord tells you to and try to find people that fit the things God showed you and pray and minister to and for them.
Tonight at CCSA Prayer we got a group of 12 of us together who have been wanting to do this. At the beginning I was a little nervous that I wasn't going to get anything from God. After praying for about 10 min. we got together and I got the word Joy, Laughter, and i felt like someone was trapped in a box if not God was the one trapped in a Box. Kaleigh also got Box, and a guy Drew got laughs alot too. A lot of people got the colors yellow and red. The others got things like, flowers, yellow strips, yellow purse, the name Cindy, red cross, black rode w/ yellow strips, two people got hurt arm, gray shirt, fadded blue jeans, and Wall-Mart, T&C, and Baket Street. After talking about what everybody got and how similar a lot of stuff was I was AMAZED and ready to head out. We all got in Adrians Van and went to Wal-Mart by Chick-fil-a and 6 of us went to the T&C and 6 of us went into Wal-mart. When we walked into T&C there was a women who was caring a yellow purse we asked her if she needed any paryer and explained what we were doing, she said no, so we stepped outside. Adrian asked us where we felt like we should go or do. I turned and looked and saw the Wendy's sign and it is covered with the color yellow and red and i knew a lot of people got those colors. We headed over there and once we got to the door 3 people walked out and 2 of them were wearing yellow flowers pinned onto thier shirt so we explained to them what we were doing and asked them if there was anything they needed us to pary for, they also said no so we walked back to the car. Cole told us that maybe this is a time for God to just strengthen our Faith in him. I agreed becuase the fact that so many people had words that matched strengthended my faith, and the fact that we were finding people that matched these clues. We then walked into Wal-Mart to find the other group. As we were getting closer I looked at Porchea and could tell that God did something becuase she had an amazed shocked look on here face. She told us she didn't want to tell us untill we got outside so as were were walking out she leaned over to me and showed me here paper which said hurt arm, gray shirt, and fadded blue jeans. I looked to my right and there was a guy standing there wearing a gray shirt, fadded blue jeans, and a crippled left arm. WHAT!! I know it was crazy. We then went to Backer Street and of course its closed cuz its like 11:30 at night we walked around trying to see if our clues matched anything. Cole looked up at a sign and ran to his car to get his paper. He showed us what he had drawn on his paper during the prayer and it matched the sign beside Baker Street for Pizza Hut/ Wing Street, underneath the picture was a black rode with yellow strips that porchea got during the prayer. We looked up at the sign that told the time and it flashed the weather that had a red cross and then 73 degress F. There is Coles red cross he got. We were walking back to our car cuz no body was around and we decided that it was time to God and we were faithful and God had showed us so much already we were so thankful. As we were walking to our car another car pulled in and parked just so happens a girl that was with us knew the guy who pulled up. He was dropping off a friend whos car was parked at Baker Street. Adrian walked up to him being funny asking him if his name was Cindy, becuse she got that name during prayer, he said no but my mom's name is Cindy!!! AHHH crazy i know. We prayed over him for his mom. Come to find out he had lost instrest in the church and God and so it was amazing to be able to pray for him and his family. Kaleigh got loss of faith and we knew that was for each and everyone of us becuase we knew that tonight built our faith.
It's hard to explain but you just need to expierence for yourself, i know my faith has been strengthened.

Embracing Life

Embracing the friendships around you...

Latley the Lord has showed me so much and given me a thankful heart about the friends i have. I love that God has blessed me with Friends that love me and care for me, but not only that but also care about my Relationship with the Lord. They are the friends that will tell me what I don't want to hear. They are the friends that PUSH me even in the hardest of hard times. They are the friends that will stand beside me during my trials. They are the friends that care about my eternity. They are the friends that Love...

I love you guys more than you know!!
Embracing Life
